FLoX Client-Controller Logic

FLoX is designed to be a highly modular and customizable framework for serverless, FL processes. It is built on top of a general 10-step abstraction for FL processes grouped into controller-side and client-side logical steps. FLoX considers two abstract classes, FloxControllerLogic and FloxClientLogic, for wrapping/implementing the logic needed for the controller-side and client-side, respectively. Each step is run on either the Controller (S) or the clients (C). All 10 steps are listed below with the respective function that corresponds with them:

  1. (S) Model Initialization: on_model_init

  2. (S) Model Sharing: on_model_broadcast

  3. (C) Receiving Model on Client: on_model_receive

  4. (C) Data Fetching: on_data_retrieve

  5. (C) Local Model Training: on_model_fit

  6. (C) Model Parameter Submission: on_model_send

  7. (S) Receiving Model on Controller: on_model_receive

  8. (S) Model Aggregation: on_model_aggregate

  9. (S) Model Updating: on_model_update

  10. (S) Model Evaluation: on_model_evaluate

Below is a (mermaid.js) figure showing the sequence of the logic steps. Then, we further describe each of the logic steps.




    subgraph controller

    subgraph client
        direction TB

    id2-->|model params|id3
    id6-->|model params|id7

1. Model Initialization

Controller.on_model_init() is where one would provide initial setup scripts that need to be run only once rather than needing to run every FL round. In flox.controllers.TensorflowController we use .on_model_init() to set up variables that were not provided by the user but will be reused in all of the FL rounds going forward.

2. Model Broadcasting

Model broadcasting happens in Controller.on_model_broadcast where all variables are assembled into a config file, data is encrypted if necessary, and the tasks are deployed to the clients using an Executor, such as FuncXExecutor for remote execution or ThreadPoolExecutor for local one. The method should return a list of futures/tasks that can later be parsed out by Controller.on_model_receive() once clients return the results.

3. Receiving Model on Client

Once clients receive the model and the config with necessary parameters, Client.on_model_receive() is responsible for the initial actions such as decrypting the data if it’s encrypted.

4. Data Retrieval

Client.on_data_retrieve() is where clients retrieve and prepare their data for training.

5. Local Model Training

Client.on_data_fit() is where the training process is defined and executed.

6. Model Parameter Submission

When clients have finished retrieving local data and making updates to the global model, the new model weights are returned to the Controller and Client.on_data_send() is for things like encryption of data before it is sent back.

7. Receiving Model on Controller

Once the Controller receives the results back from the clients, Controller.on_model_receive() parses the results and decrypts if necessary.

8. Model Aggregation

Controller.on_model_aggregate() takes the parsed results from Controller.on_model_receive() and aggregates weights from the endpoints.

9. Model Updating

Controller.on_model_update() simply takes the new weights from Controller.on_model_aggregate() and assigns them to the global model.

10. Model Evaluation

Finally, Controller.on_model_evaluate() evaluates the model using a user-provided testing dataset, reports the results, and then the entire loop from Step 2 to Step 10 is repeated for as many rounds as was specified by the user.

More on Controllers and Clients

Each Controller has a .run_federated_learning() method which iteratively calls each controller method to facilitate the Federated Learning rounds. Each Client has a .run_round() method which calls its client methods to facilitate a single round of FL and return the updated model weights. This .run_round() method is the function that gets submitted to the Executor and should return the updated model weights.

We also make use of Model Trainers to facilitate Machine Learning-related computations. Each Model Trainer should implement four methods: .fit(), .evaluate(), .set_weights(), and .get_weights() which are called by both the Controller and the Client to fit the model, get the weights, evaluate the model, and set the new weights.

We implemented the abstract base classes in flox.logic.base_client.py and flox.logic.base_controller.py. We implemented a base class for Machine Learning Model Trainers in flox.logic.base_model_trainer.py.

To facilitate most of FL Controller-side computations, we implemented the MainController under flox/controllers. Initially, we had full implementations of controllers for each ML framework (Tensorflow, PyTorch). However, there was a lot of code duplication, and the differences between requirements of different ML frameworks were small. Thus, we put the majority of shared functionality under MainController and left just a few methods that need to be extended for specific ML frameworks. For example, since ML framework-specific clients require different variables for training (e.g., our implementation of the Tensorflow training loop requires input_shape while PyTorch doesn’t), we created the create_config() method that should return a dictionary of variables that the ML framework-specific Client needs for training. The specific ML Model Trainers might also differ in what parameters their methods (like .evaluate() and .set_weights()) accept, thus users can override MainController’s default implementation of on_model_evaluate() and on_model_update(), which call those Model Trainer methods, to provide different parameters. For a concrete example, first look at MainController and then see how PyTorchController and TensorflowController extend and override MainController differently to be compatible with its corresponding clients and Model Trainers.

We are providing practical examples on top of these classes to illustrate how all of these steps come together:

  • flox.examples.quickstart_pytorch makes

use of PyTorchController, PyTorchClient, and PyTorchTrainer to run a Federated Learning workflow on PyTorch.

  • flox.examples.quickstart_tensorflow makes use of

TensorflowController, TensorflowClient, and TensorflowTrainer to run a Federated Learning workflow on Tensorflow.

Issues & Points of Improvement

You can see how MainController reduces code duplication on the Controller side. However, it’s not the same for the Client side. For example, let’s take a look at the PyTorchClient and TensorflowClient under flox/clients. All of their core methods differ in implementation and the parameters they accept. Their .run_round() methods thus also differ since the methods needs to accept different parameters. Now, if we wanted to start timing how long it takes for each function to run using time.time(), we would need to add that piece of code to both the PyTorchClient and TensorflowClient, thus complicating code maintenance. It would be nice to have a MainClient that would provide more structure to implementations and maintenance of Clients, but it’s not clear how to do so since the existing Clients share very little in their implementation.

Another point of concern is the coupling between the Clients, Model Trainers, and Controllers based on the ML framework, since they require different parameters at times. This creates a lot of coupling and complicates the management of the system for the user since they need to implement/extend three classes to run an FL experiment on a new ML framework. I was wondering if we need to have Model Trainer as a class at all, and if using functions would make it less complicated. However, having it as a class also makes it easier to track variables and keep all ML-related functions and variables together.